The Project Formerly Known as Radical History

GERRARD WINSTANLEY’S TRUE AND RIGHTEOUS MOBILE INCITEMENT UNIT is the name for the collaborations with The Black Smock Band that we were developing under the working title of The Radical History Project.

There’s a project page here, plus there’s loads more info to come as we put the project together… In the meantime, we made a little video about it.

A big thank you

We’d like to say a big thank you to our outgoing chair Chris Luffingham, who is stepping down from the board. He’s been with us since we first became a proper company, and guided us through a period of significant change, not least gaining charity status. It’s not a complete goodbye, however, as he will remain in an advisory capacity. Still, we’re very grateful for all the time and good advice he’s given us over the years.

We’ve also recently been joined by two new trustees: Alia Alzougbi and Mark Bixter. We’ll post some more about them separately. Chris White will take over as chair.

News from the East…

Paul, our artistic director and also one of the organisers of East, wrote a piece about the evolution of the East project for the Apples and Snakes Blog. You can read it here.

As you will see from the blogpost, Apples and Snakes helped get the project off the ground in the first place. So it’s great to have its continued support!

The three arts professionals who initially got East off the ground, Sef, Shamim and Paul, also ran an East storytelling tent at Tower Hamlets council’s flagship event for families; The Great Day Out, which takes place in Victoria Park every summer. A lot of fun was had by all. Here’s a photo of the ‘East Three’ (in E3) by Simon Daw.

A Great Day Out!


Shamim Azad, Sef Townsend and Paul Burgess from East will be sharing stories, poems, songs and some instrumental music in the East storytelling tent at the Great Day Out event in Victoria Park tomorrow. It’s mainly aimed at families with kids 5+ but everyone’s welcome to come by.

Details from the Tower Hamlets Council’s website are here. It’d be lovely to see you!

The photos above come from the last time the “East Three” performed together, which was at Boi-Lit 2016 Children’s Day,at Rich Mix. They’re by Shoayeeb Chamak from BSK.


The East Archive continues to grow…

The East Archive is an ongoing project and we’ve just added two new pieces by the celebrated local poet, novelist and storyteller Shamim Azad. Shamim’s also one of the key figures in our partner organisation for the project, BSK.

We have also re-organised the Archive so you can search by genre, teller/singer etc (using categories and tags).

Take a look, and please share it too!



Woodland Walk – photos by Tan Nidhivir

A selection of some of the wonderful photos taken by visiting Thai photographer Tan Nidhivir of our Woodland Walk tryout the other week in Butcher’s Wood, Hassocks. Led by Dan Cox, the walk links natural history, folklore and mental health and is a collaboration with The Brightwood Project. We were very pleased with how it went and got some great feedback from our invited audience.

More about this rather exciting project as it develops…

Boi-Lit 16!

We were honoured to be invited, as partners in the East project, to participate in BSK’s Boi-Lit Festival, the annual Bangla Literature Festival at Rich Mix. It’s a wonderful event, which combines creativity and intellect.

On Day 1, Families Day, Sef Townsend, Shamim Azad, Farah Naz and Paul Burgess presented an interactive programme of stories and songs. On Day 2, which focussed on the Bangla Renaissance, Paul presented a segment on the Illiad, as part of a section directed by Khadijah Rahman that explored the links between Valmiki’s Ramayan and Homer’s epic.

BSK’s official photographer, Shoayeeb Chamak took lots of great photos: here are a selection.


East Archive Launch

We had a really delightful launch for the East Archive at Rich Mix. Here are some photos from Farah Naz. And don’t forget to take a look at the archive itself:!