So, what did you think?

Thanks to all of you who came to see the Mobile Incitement Unit! If you didn’t get a chance to give us any feedback after the show, please get in touch to let us know your thoughts. You can use the very quick survey form below or just send us a message here or via social media. The project hastag is #mobileincitement.

Here’s our (very short) Mobile Incitement Unit Feedback Survey.

Your opinions are hugely important to us because, after all, it’s you we’re making our work for.

Mobile Incitement – into the final week…

As you must already know by now, we’ve brought together South London’s premier gay socialist folk band (probably) The Black Smock Band and C17th rebel Mr Gerrard Winstanley to save England’s radical history from oblivion.

And now we’re into the final week of production, making our final tweaks and getting ready to share our work with you.

The Mobile Incitement Unit will be taking over Ovalhouse Car Park on Thurs 21 with performances at 6:30pm and 8:30pm and Festivals Hub, Atlantic Road in Brixton on Friday 22 with performances at 6:30pm and 8:30pm. You can also visit Mobile Incitement Unit to make a placard, write song lyrics and share your stories of protest from 3pm on Fri 22 at the Festivals Hub.

Free Entry. No booking required.

Lots more info here on the Ovalhouse website.

And here’s the Facebook event page for Thu 21 and for Fri 22.

A Report on Silk River

As Kinetika’s incredible Silk River project moves on to Greenwich, here’s a blog about yesterday’s events, for which we advised on music and facilitated the involvement of The Black Smock Band. The band supported young people from A Team Arts in their street performances as the Silk River walk passed through Tower Hamlets.

Here’s a photo of the band in action (credit Payam Torabi).


Silk River

We’re excited to be part of Kinetica’s Silk River Project, linking the Thames with the Hooghly River in India in an international celebration of the silk trade. We’ll working with our regular collaborators The Black Smock Band to support young people from Tower Hamlets’ A Team Arts with street performances as the project passes through the borough tomorrow.

More info below…


Day 2 – 16th Sept Tower Hamlets

A Great Day Out, indeed

We had a very successful day running an East storytelling tent at Great Day Out in Victoria Park. Here are some lovely photos by Rehan Jami of tellers Alia Alzougbi and Sef Townsend in action.

Saturday 05 August 2017, LBTH - Sef Townsend and Alia Alzougbi of East at Great Day Out at Victoria Park - Photo, Rehan Jamil
Saturday 05 August 2017, LBTH – Sef Townsend and Alia Alzougbi of East at Great Day Out at Victoria Park – Photo, Rehan Jamil
Saturday 05 August 2017, LBTH - Alia Alzougbi of East at Great Day Out at Victoria Park - Photo, Rehan Jamil
Saturday 05 August 2017, LBTH – Alia Alzougbi of East at Great Day Out at Victoria Park – Photo, Rehan Jamil
Saturday 05 August 2017, LBTH - Sef Townsend and Alia Alzougbi of East at Great Day Out at Victoria Park - Photo, Rehan Jamil
Saturday 05 August 2017, LBTH – Sef Townsend and Alia Alzougbi of East at Great Day Out at Victoria Park – Photo, Rehan Jamil


Mobile Incitement: A Call for Crowdfunding

Help us tell the real story of our country’s history…

With politicians across the world trying to twist history to serve their own ends, we, the people, need to tell our own stories. That’s why Daedalus Theatre Company and The Black Smock Band are working with Ovalhouse Theatre, students at Queen Mary, University of London and local residents wherever we vist, to develop an exciting new project: Gerrard Winstanley’s True and Righteous Mobile Incitement Unit.

Part gig, part theatre, part political meeting, part public participation project, it will tour the country with songs and stories of dissent and rebellion… and an invitation to speak up and get involved. There’ll also be a website where we and the public can share ideas, texts and songs, and discuss England’s radical past, present and future.

Developed over the last few years under the working title of The Radical History Project, the piece centres on the Mobile Incitement Unit, a kind of portable, interactive installation, containing an archive, props and costumes, materials for making placards and writing protest songs, a miniature field for enacting land rights issues, tea-making facilities and much more besides. But we need to crowd-fund £2,000 to build it.

Please consider making a donation. Everything helps, however small! And, unless you want to be anonymous, you’ll be credited as a funder (or a sponsor for amounts over £250).

Go on, click the button below. You know you want to.

Visit our charity page on BT MyDonate

Thank you!





A Great Day Out

We’re back in Victoria Park again this Sat…

Specifically, we’re proud to present, in conjunction with BSK, storytelling this Sat, with two amazing tellers: Sef Townsend and Alia Alzougbi. It’s part of LBTH’s A Great Day Out, and of the East Storytelling project. Look out for the storytelling tent. It’s all happening near the bandstand in the East part of the park.

Come along!

East storytelling in the park


Storytelling for Eid-al-Fitr

We’re absolutely delighted to be part of this year’s Eid-al-Fitr celebrations in Victoria Park, Tower Hamlets. As part of our East storytelling project, organised in collaboration with Bishwo Shahitto Kendro, we’ll be running a storytelling tent with amazing tale-spinners Shamim Azad and Sef Townsend, supported by musician Paul Burgess. Info on the flyer below. It’s this Sunday. See you there!



Numbi Festival 2017

We’ve been talking to the inspiring Kinsi Abdulleh about adding some Somali storytelling to the East Archive, and she invited us to the launch event of this year’s Numbi Festival. Numbi is “a platform for collaborative cross-cultural exchange for artists working in theatre, visual arts/photography, music/dance,  and film, that draws from the experience of Somali communities around the world.” And, like us, it’s based in Tower Hamlets. We have great neighbours!

Last night’s event focused on a discussion of Hadrawi’s Baladweyn. Sef (one of East‘s professional storytellers) and Paul (our artistic director) went along. It was a really inspiring evening, and eye-opening for those who didn’t know a great deal about Somali literature. There are two more days of the festival to go. Details are here.

Thanks to Sef for the photo.


