The Arches is under threat

IMG_1160The Arches in Glasgow was the venue that had the courage to give Daedalus its first proper, professional gig, and the result was that we made and premiered Selfish there (show here, with Onur Orkut).

The Arches has a unique model: it’s a very successful club but uses the profits to fund new and often very experimental arts projects. It’s an inspiring place to work, in spite of the slight whiff of stale beer after club nights! It’s also an essential part of our arts ecology – so many artists and companies have started there, or broken new ground while working there.

And now it’s in danger, due to a licensing dispute with Glasgow council. Here’s a link with all the details and a petition: please sign it!

Some images from our past life…

Our artistic director Paul has been going through old folders as it’s the 21st anniversary of the first Brasenose Summer Arts Festival – originally set up by the same generation of students who also founded the King’s Hall Trust for the Arts and Daedalus. Of course, he also came across old flyers for productions we did when Daedalus was a still a student company. It had very different aims then, as it was about scripted drama, but many of the same underlying values. Anyway, here are a selection!

Meanwhile, the festival, now called Brasenose Arts Week, is still going strong!

Daedalus-flyers-grimsson    Daedalus-flyers-ourman

Everything changes, tomorrow.

The Daedalus Radical Performance Reading Group is back. We’re meeting tomorrow to discuss Naomi Klein’s remarkable and timely hatchet job on the notion that capitalism can save us from climate change. (That’s a personal opinion, obviously. Cos if we all agreed, there’d be no point in having a reading group.)

If you’d like to be kept up-to-date on the group, drop us a line. We have a separate email group, rather than send info on every meeting to everyone on the mailing list.


Disobedient Objects

As part of the research for the Daedalus/Black Smock Band Radical History Project (yeah, still a working title), a few of us visited the Disobedient Objects exhibition at the V&A. It was fascinating and inspiring. And a bit overwhelming – a lot of very emotive stuff in one room. Well worth seeing before it closes. Last day is 1st Feb. And it’s free.

Here’s a wonderful trade union banner from the exhibition; a nice update on tradition. Can we have one of those for our project please? (That’s not a joke. I’m actually currently trying to work out how to cost having one made for the band.)



East on TV – again!

Various people involved in A Season of Bangla Drama were on ATN Bangla TV channel last night, to be interviewed about their shows. Sef and Paul were there to talk about East. And on Wednesday evening, Shamim and Paul will be on Betar Bangla radio. Massive thanks to the A Season of Bangla Drama team for giving us these opportunities.

For more info about East, including how to book tickets, please see our project page.


Bangla Drama, shared

One of the great privileges of being part of A Season of Bangla Drama is meeting the other people involved. There’s an amazing community of performance-makers here in Tower Hamlets, and this festival really illustrates how Bangladeshi culture in the borough can become a catalyst for something truly diverse and cross-cultural. Our project is a perfect example: a collaboration between Daedalus and Bisho Shahitto Kendro.

Here are some photos (credit: Ziaur Rahman Saklen) of members of our East storytelling group with other participants at the SOBD sharing event last weekend.

You can see us perform at Queen Mary, University of London, on 7th November, 7:30pm. More details are here or you can just go ahead and book tickets online here.
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